Family requires firefighters to be equipped with epinephrine after the death of a man. A man named Justin Matthews, 33 years old was taken off from his life support after suffering from anaphylactic shock after inhaling a walnut-based product in the work area. He collapsed outside the fire hall at Edmonton and firefighters immediately provided CPR on Matthews and have to wait for an Emergency medical services crew to administer epinephrine that could probably save his life.
Always on hand
The incident happened in Rossdale fire station. Matthews was testing the quality of air at the Rossdale fire station. Some working crews used walnut seeds in sandblasting paint on the walls. Sandblasting is an operation by strongly removing paint on the wall. Matthews was allergic to walnuts. He immediately left the area after having difficulties with breathing and eventually he collapsed outside. Firefighters and some workers first responded to the area and provided CPR until paramedics arrived. Matthews does not have an Epipen. It is a disposable needle that can be used by the victim in giving themselves an emergency dose of the epinephrine. Epinephrine is a hormone that is used to treat severe allergic reactions. The firefighter did not have one either and they are not trained in using them. Paramedics immediately brought Matthews to the hospital for further treatment.
According to the doctors in the hospital, 80% of Matthews’s brain was severely damaged due to lack of oxygen. First responders need to be equipped with EpiPens with them. A person suffering from anaphylactic shock and several minutes delay in administration of epinephrine there is a possibility that it can result to death.
According to Beatrice Povolo of Food Allergy Canada, a charitable organization, dedicated in helping people with allergies on food, said he is in favor of training firefighters in the use EpiPens when dealing with people suffering from anaphylactic shock. It is important for people to make it a part of their first aid kit.
Furthermore Povolo stated that an allergy on food in Canada is a growing health condition. It already affects about 2.6 millions Canadians across the country. It is an important condition and there is a need for people to understand that it can be a life-threatening condition.
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Learn how to help by enrolling in a first aid class and for more information, check out these sources:
CPR: First Aid Essentials – Healthline