Face mask bylaw now in effect in Calgary

A controversial bylaw that requires all residents and visitors in Calgary to wear face masks inside public buildings and on transit vehicles is in force.


City officials voted in favor of the bylaw, which enforces rules on wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) inside all city facilities, buses, CTrains, malls, taxis, and grocery stores on July 21.

The bylaw also governs public areas of condo buildings, office buildings, and anywhere the public is allowed. It does not include your private workspace and if your office has a door.

The masks are also not required in schools, daycare, and multi-family buildings. While city officials state the primary focus of the bylaw is education and preventing further COVID-19 infections rather than enforcement, fines of $50 could be handed out to individuals who are not wearing a mask.

City officials voted in favor of the bylaw, which enforces rules on wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) inside all city facilities, buses, CTrains, malls, taxis, and grocery stores on July 21.

Fines of $200 are also being levied against businesses who do not have proper signage posted in public areas of their business or inside vehicles where mask-wearing is required.

For more information about this story, click here to read now.


Learn more about face masks and how to stay safe by enrolling in a mask fitting test which is a requirement for many workspaces and schools or the available masks for sale by visiting our face mask sale page.

Our courses maintain social distancing measures with reduced class sizes to maintain the minimum 2 meters apart along with the mandatory use of face masks and regular temperature checks. The venue of the courses undergo regular, enhanced cleaning and disinfection routines. 

For more information about face masks, check out these sources:

Coronavirus Mask: Mayo Clinic In-Depth Guide

Coronavirus Face Masks: What You Need to Know – Johns Hopkins Medicine

Coronavirus: What Is the Best Kind of Face Mask? – BBC News

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