first aid edmonton

first aid

Etobicoke victim of hit-and-run crash given immediate CPR

A man is found dead and a suspect is under custody after a hit-and-run crash in New Toronto neighborhood late Monday night. The police were initially called to Garnett Janes Road close to Ninth Street around 11 PM for a report concerning gunshots. Potential danger in the road Upon arrival at the scene, the officers […]

Etobicoke victim of hit-and-run crash given immediate CPR Read More »


Strangers perform CPR on marathoner

Two strangers – Levi Ross and Dr. Erika Persson where in different cheering areas at the Edmonton Marathon. In no time, they both observed a man facing down on the pavement and acted. According to Dr. Persson, she was in the right place, at the right time and she recalled her first aid training. She

Strangers perform CPR on marathoner Read More »

choking first aid

Basic first aid: Bus diver and fourth-grade saves a life

With the help of basic first aid, a life of a student was saved. The life of a fourth-grade student was out of danger with the help of a Harris County School District bus driver. It was during the November 1 meeting of the Harris County Board of Education when bus driver Mary Beth Hudson

Basic first aid: Bus diver and fourth-grade saves a life Read More »

Serving Edmonton, St. Alberts and North Alberta with the lowest priced, highest quality first aid training, CPR and food safety courses since 2013 with a commitment to serving the community the best safety courses.

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