Edmonton first aid

Thunder Bay Paramedics volunteered to teach CPR classes

The low bystander CPR rate urges paramedics to find a way to save lives. An organization of paramedics in Thunder Bay hope a new initiative being launched this fall will turn the tide on the low rate of CPR response in the city to save lives.

The Superior North Association of Professional Paramedics plans to offer the first in a series of simplified, free courses that cover the basics of CPR to encourage more people to step in when someone experiences cardiac arrest.

Edmonton first aid
Without CPR on the site before the arrival of the emergency team, it can affect the outcome upon arrival of the individual to a healthcare facility.

The concept for the program surfaced after reviewing some statistics. The reason for this is that Thunder Bay’s rate of bystander CPR response is very low.

Every moment counts with CPR delivery

Most of the calls on cardiac arrest come from bystanders and family members. Sadly, it is usually the emergency responders who initiate CPR. This is considered as a real issue because once an individual experiences heart failure, every moment counts.

There is a 5-minute time frame where there is no blood that reaches the brain before the detrimental effects arises. Without CPR on the site before the arrival of the emergency team, it can affect the outcome upon arrival of the individual to a healthcare facility.

For more information about this story, click here to read now.


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