Edmonton first aid

Prompt response with CPR and AED saves a life

Steve Stewart and Steve parks helped save the life of a man. Certificates of commendation were presented to the 2 men along with Abbotsford Fire Rescue Captain Jim Durvin and firefighters Tom Dodd, Greg Herron, and Scott Ellis. The awards were given at Abbotsford city council after an incident that occurred on April 17.


Parking lot ordeal

A call concerning a cardiac arrest case came from the Sevenoaks Alliance Church. When the fire crew arrived on the scene, they found a man lying on the parking lot lifeless.

The 2 men, Steward and Parks immediately performed CPR. The firefighters utilized a defibrillator twice and were able to successfully revive the man.

Colin James Lewis, a 73-year old White Rock resident quickly looked at the firefighters and asked what was happening. The man was transported to Abbotsford Hospital and had an emergency bypass surgery.

Edmonton first aid
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and using an automated external defibrillator (AED) can save a life.

On Monday, Lewis was present in Abbotsford to join in the commendation ceremony. According to Lewis, miracles do happen as he gratefully thanked the crew. Lewis is expected to fully recover.

Importance of first aid training

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and using an automated external defibrillator (AED) can save a life. Prompt delivery of life-saving techniques improves the chances of survival during emergencies.

For more information about this story, click here to read now.


Learn how to help by enrolling in a course on CPR and for more information, check out these sources:


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