Edmonton first aid

Parents take emergency EpiPen cabinet idea to Winnipeg school board

The Winnipeg School Division board chair in favor of plan to keep allergy medication in cabinet.

The Winnipeg School Division chair is in favor of making EpiPen available to all students at schools to stop anaphylactic shock in case of an unexpected allergic reaction.

An EpiPen cabinet holds an emergency EpiPen and triggers an alarm if it is opened. An EpiPen is a disposable needle utilized to administer epinephrine to an individual suffering an anaphylactic allergic reaction.

Edmonton first aid
An EpiPen is a disposable needle utilized to administer epinephrine to an individual suffering an anaphylactic allergic reaction.

It is also beneficial to enroll in a first aid and CPR course just be prepared in case a severe allergic reaction occurs.

Complying with protocol

The ideal was initially suggested by Orla Nazarko whose 6-year old daughter has a life-threatening allergy to peanuts. At that time, the WSD refused to allow an EpiPen cabinet in her school as a backup in case her daughter forgets her medication.

Nevertheless, the division stated that it has plans on the way for children with EpiPens that follow Manitoba government protocol for administering medication to students.

For more information about this story, click here to read now.


Learn how to help by enrolling in a course on emergency first aid and for more information, check out these sources:

First Aid Essentials – WebMD

Epinephrine Autoinjector Overview – Wikipedia

Anaphylaxis: Allergy Emergency Guide – WebMD

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