Edmonton first aid

Off-duty paramedic saves life of friend with CPR

A timely effort saved the life of Michael Isely after suffering a heart attack. He was golfing at a charity event at Saskatoon Golf and Country Club when an unforeseen event occurred.

On that day, he experienced a minimal degree of pressure in the chest but not alarming in any way. Isely brushed it off as stress or just a bad day. It was then that he collapsed and could not recall anything.

Lucky day

Edmonton first aid
With the extensive emergency training from the city, an AED was used along with chest compressions to restore the heart of the man.

He was lucky that day since paramedic Brandon Blondeau and his father Dr. Joseph Blondeau who are close friends of Isely was also playing golf on the next hole. They received a phone call from a member of Isely’s group when saw him collapse.

Brandon quickly drove a golf cart to Isely while yelling at his father to get to AED from the clubhouse.


CPR was started right away. The life-saving efforts of Brandon and Joseph were recognized by the Medavie Health Services West at an awarding ceremony along with the City of Saskatoon employees who saved the life of a 45-year old man at the Shaw Civic Centre.

With the extensive emergency training from the city, an AED was used along with chest compressions to restore the heart of the man.

For more information about this story, click here to read now.


Learn how to help by enrolling in a CPR and AED training class and for more information, check out these sources:

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) – WebMD

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) – Wikipedia

CPR Guidelines: NHS UK

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