Edmonton first aid

Naloxone and CPR saves a life

A man who overdosed was saved with shots of naloxone. The Surrey RCMP are crediting officers for the rapid use of naloxone in saving the life of a man outside of the Surrey detachment.

Unforeseen case of overdose

According to the police, an officer arriving at 14355 57 Ave. detachment was alerted that a passenger of a vehicle overdosed and required immediate attention.

After being informed that the passenger had taken heroin, two canisters of naloxone were given. The second shot was given after no signs of improvement were seen. As officers prepared to start CPR, within seconds the man started to respond.

The detachment’s cell nurse provided first aid care until firefighters and paramedics arrived. The man was transported to a healthcare facility.

Edmonton first aid
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a vital procedure that must be carried out during emergencies.

The incident serves as an example of how important it is that all first-responders are properly equipped with life-saving equipment during the current opioid crisis.

The latest statistics released by the B.C. Coroners’ Service noted that illicit drug overdoses were responsible for several cases of deaths in B.C. last month alone. A multi-prong response strategy has been underway since the province declared a public health emergency and created a dedicated task force.

The efforts involve making naloxone much more widely available to reverse overdoses in progress.

Timely intervention with CPR

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a vital procedure that must be carried out during emergencies. It is recommended to learn this life-saving procedure by enrolling in a first aid class today.

For more information about this story, click here.


Learn how to help by enrolling in a CPR and AED class and for more information, check out these sources:


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