Heimlich maneuver performed to save a life

A St. John’s man was recognized for saving the life of his friend with the Heimlich maneuver. During the incident, his rapid thinking saved his friend’s life.


Something wrong

During a vacation in the Dominican Republic with his wife and friends, Lloyd Best performed the Heimlich maneuver on his friend Rosemary Jackman after a piece of meat lodged in her throat.

Best knew that there was something wrong when Jackman moved up from the table during a meal at their resort and walked away.

At this point, Jackman was holding her throat and her face was turning blue. Best asked his friend if she needed help. When she did not respond, Best performed the Heimlich maneuver. At his initial attempt, it did not work. He repositioned and tried for the second time and the piece of meat came up, freeing her airway.

Edmonton first aid
You can learn the vital life-saving skills such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the Heimlich maneuver.

Enroll in a first aid course today

You can learn the vital life-saving skills such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the Heimlich maneuver. You can enroll in a first aid course today. These life-saving techniques can help save a life.

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