Edmonton first aid

Delivery of CPR saves the life of boy

Abdulla El-Astal was playing in a futsal tournament when he collapsed on the bench. A weekend indoor soccer tournament almost took an unexpected turn.

Abdulla El-Astal, 15-years old was playing in a year-end futsal tournament which is a version of indoor soccer at Sir Robert Borden High School on Greenbank Road.

Cessation of breathing

The paramedics stated that the boy went into cardiac arrest and credited the rapid actions of bystanders for saving his life.

Angela Seshadri, a pediatric cardiologist was present in the stands waiting to watch her son play in the same tournament when she noticed a commotion on the court below.

She rushed from the upper balcony down onto the gym floor. The condition of El-Astal was rapidly deteriorating.

The boy stopped breathing and turned blue

Edmonton first aid
It was then that CPR was started. Everyone worked together to help. The coach of the team called 911 and others went to look for an automated external defibrillator (AED).

El-Astal ceased to breathe and turned blue. It was then that CPR was started. Everyone worked together to help. The coach of the team called 911 and others went to look for an automated external defibrillator (AED).

According to the paramedics, El-Astal regained consciousness while on the way to a healthcare facility. He was successful revived with the help of a public access defibrillator.

The immediate delivery of CPR to the boy which was followed by the defibrillator were essential in saving his life. If not initiated right away, the outcome would have been a different one. You can be prepared by enrolling in a CPR and AED course.

For more information about this story, click here to read now.


Learn how to help by enrolling in a class on first aid and CPR and for more information, check out these sources:

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Treatment – WebMD

CPR and New Defibrillators: WebMD Guide

Automated External Defibrillators: Mayo Clinic In-Depth


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