Edmonton first aid

Corbella: How four teachers saved the life of miracle Maryam

Maryam Basharat was saved thanks to the life-saving efforts of teachers. It was back in September 6, just 3 days after classes started when a grade 6 girl collapsed during gym class outside while running in which her heart stopped.

Life-saving measures

The sequence of events that occurred on that day led to the recognition of principal Liana Appelt, Thomas Guenther, Bryan Allen and Jillian Wright. They were presented with the EMS Citizen Recognition Awards.

Edmonton first aid
He called Thomas, his teacher partner in the school and requested to bring the AED (automated external defibrillator) and called for emergency assistance.

According to Allen, a social studies and physical education teacher, he could not forget that day. Maryam was lying on the grass. We thought that she was just taking a break but was fighting for her life. The girl was gasping for air.

He called Thomas, his teacher partner in the school and requested to bring the AED (automated external defibrillator) and called for emergency assistance.

It was then Jillian, Thomas and Liana came over where Jill performed CPR. Liana and Thomas attached the AED on her and delivered a shock and shortly after the EMS arrived. After the shocks were given, life came back for a second.

After 4 minutes after calling 911, the first EMS officer, Paul Emmerson arrived on the scene. Maryam was no longer in cardiac arrest where her heartbeat was restored and her body was received oxygen.

The teachers completed the first 3 of the 5 links in the chain of survival. All of these links can be performed by lay-rescuers.

For more information about this story, click here to read now.


Learn how to help by enrolling in a class on CPR and AED and for more information, check out these sources:

WebMD – What is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)?

WebMD – Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) Treatment

Mayo Clinic – Sudden Cardiac Arrest: Symptoms & Causes – Mayo Clinic

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