Edmonton first aid

Choking boy saved with timely intervention

A choking boy was given timely first aid intervention. Cheerleader Tyra Winters is a homecoming hero and it was not for anything that happened on the field.


Saving a life

The 17-year old senior was riding on a float in the homecoming parade when she saw a desperate mother and a little boy who needed assistance.

The child has a bright red face while his mother is holding him up, begging for help, screaming and asking for help. The child was turning purple and that was when Winters jumped off the float and ran down to the child.

Edmonton first aid
Immediate delivery of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can save a life.

She held the child and gave him three strong back thrusts that made him spit up the candy he was choking on.

Luckily, Winters had gotten CPR training in 8th grade because her mother is in the medical field. Winters plans to be a pediatric surgeon.

Enroll in first aid and CPR course

Immediate delivery of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can save a life. This life-saving technique significantly improves the chances of survival during emergencies.

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Learn how to help by enrolling in a first aid and CPR course and for more information, check out these sources:


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